
My Prayer

I pray you'll find your way,
to where you want to go,
And hope that you'll be wise,
In times when you don't know

Let this be my prayer
As you go your way
find your self the grace,
in a place where you'll be safe

I pray you'll find your light
And hold it in your heart
When stars go out each night
you'll find your hope in life,

Let this be my prayer
When shadows fill your day
find your self the grace,
in a place where you'll be safe

(*dedicated to my dearest friend who has lost his way in life)


Merry Christmas~

你知道这里是哪里吗? 是巴黎? 汉堡? 还是法兰克福? 哈哈...甭瞎猜了,因为我也不知道, 就在搜索美丽的圣诞气氛图片时发现的,是欧州某个城市的圣诞市场吧?



究竟在地球的另一端人们是怎么样庆祝圣诞节的呢? 白色圣诞是否有诗情画意般的魅力?在雪花纷飞圣诞夜里,是否会显得额外的浪漫美丽?


明年陪我过一个白色圣诞节,好吗? Merry Christmas~




原来成功的定义非常简单,就只需要100分哦 ^0^ 这从小就明白的道理,没想到会在离开了校园多年之后,重新刷新对100分看法。

100分是什么? 未曾犯错的天才?还是完美天使的体现?都不是这么1回事。原来,100分是一种成功的指标,当你越接近100分时,你想要得到的成功与梦想也就指日可待了。





When There's Love

I had a brief but discussion with Raymond. It was brief, though, it was a meaningful discussion that helped me to further understand myself and how to make my dreams come true.

Too often we spend our time to focus and indulge into other people's success story, and too often we keep on cracking our heads to learn about all the skills and knowledge required to achive our dreams.

When all of us understand about that the price to pay to get us to where we want to go, but somehow, we are often pulled back by the internal resistance that stop us from taking whatever necessary to soar high.

Are we not capable? are we not ready to pay the price ? or are we not clear about what we really want? The truth is, we are just neglected about our Spirit and Soul, the essesntial elements drive us to excel all time.

Just imangine this yourself, when you want to achive a wonderful goal, you will crack your head to come out with all the neccessary strategies to get it done. But sometimes you are just too lazy and demotivated to take the right actions (ie: meet 5 prospects a day).

"wat's wrong with me" you asked. "Why can't I get my result when I have all the powerful tools, system and supports from the company" or is it that,"am I just some lazy joker who steal the god-given time from myself...". As you doubt, the bad feelings devour your last breath of courage. You are now a guilty person and there goes your day.

Please understand that success is nothing more than the outcome that reflecting your mental state. While people can easily name tens of methods to achieve success, doing the necessary approaches are poles apart. This means that, eventhough you know about taking the right actions logically, you'll still reluctant in doing it if you do not internalise your goal into the burning desire and expectation in your life. Untill then, knowing and doing things are, and will always in conflict.

When there is love (on your goal), nothing is too much trouble and there's always time!

By Chris Koay
(Nov, 2008)





~克服懒惰,克服拖延,要积极取进,做事情要快, 培养高效率人士的7种习惯,学习聆听,学习表达,学习处理人格态度,学习跟客户打好关系,学习听懂客户的玄外之音,学习规划工作,学习设定目标,学习注重每日的日常生活活动,学习在被人拒绝之后继续前进,学习跟你不认识的人甚至是讨厌你的人沟通,学习进修,学习不抗拒任何的讲座与训练,学习锻炼自己的思维,学习防止同行对你客户乱乱讲话,学习将想法实践,学习销售技巧,还要不断的学习超越自己...

现在你们终于明白了吧,一个成功的寿险业代理员根本就是Super Man!!!! 人家赚再多的钱也是因该的啦~当你们每天的睡到爽爽时,人家4-5点就起来冥想,重新为自己的目标注入能量,集中尽力去工作,当你们每天放工回家看戏休息时,人家又要检讨今天的工作与活动,看有什么可以改善的地方~~~ 这种的精神与压力,不是每个人都可以接受的!!!

这条路很苦,很难~~~ 但是,马的! 俺下定决心誓死方休!!! 只有成功,没有退路!!! 我就不信,这个世界上还有学不懂的东西!!!!!
